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Книга лекций. Часть 1

Книга лекций. Часть 1
  • Год выпуска 1988
  • Автор(ы) Колл. авт.
  • Издательство Университет Милана. – Милан
  • Число страниц 622
  • УДК 821.111
  • КОД К 53
  • It is with great satisfaction that I introduce to all the participants to the First World Postgraduate Surgical Week of the University of Milan — XXVI World Congress of the International College of Surgeons — these three volumes containing the lectures given in the Symposia which constitute the Scientific Program of the Congress.
    The actuality of the topics, which go from those belonging to the future to those of more common finding, and the authority of the speakers, practically representing the best Surgical Schools both International and National, make of these volumes a complete updating of General Surgery and of all Surgical Specialties.
    The Symposia fashion by which the various topics are dealt with allows a complete and final view of each problem which represents, even for the youngest, material for clear updating and easy consultation.
    The variety of the topics covered and the universality of the Authors testify to the complexity of this uncommon scientific-editorial endeavour; I am therefore deeply grateful to all those who have in various manners participated in this effort.
    A special thanks goes to Prof. Marco Montorsi, Scientific Secretary of the Congress, and to Doctor Paola Granelli, who strongly supported these volumes, and whose realization is in great part to their credit.
    The quality of the editorial material is the best proof of the efficiency and professionality of the Casa Editrice Monduzzi who has faced with great enthusiasm this heavy editorial commitment: to it goes all my esteem and gratitude.

    Transplantation of the pancreas    1
    Renal transplantation    15
    Hepatitis and liver transplantation    23
    Immunosuppressive therapy    31
    Venous malformations        35
    Varices    47
    Deep venous thrombosis    61
    Post-phlebitic syndrome    87
    Inguinal hernia    93
    Functional diseases of the upper G.L tract    111
    Surgical treatment of hiatal hernia and gastroesophageal reflux      115
    Suturing materials    131
    Antibiotic prophylaxis in abdominal surgery    151
    Long-acting cephalosporins in surgery        163
    Empiric antibiotic therapy: current choices in surgery    187
    Drainages in surgery    195
    Orthognathic surgery    211
    Oro-facial congenital malformations    217
    Maxillar traumatology    223
    Jaw tumors    227
    Ocular surgery in ttu  iderly     231
    Update on laser icular microsurgery            239
    Post operative problems after ocular surgery in the elderly patient     259
    Encephaloscan: a new поп invasive ultrasonographic method forvascular diagnosis          271
    Color doppler: physical and clinical applications         281
    Thoracic oncology    291
    Supra aortic vessels: examination techniques    297
    Peripheral arterial and venous pathology. Clinical problems and diagnostic possibilities     313
    Lung cancer    335
    Update on bronchiectasis    345
    Benign diseases of the esophagus    357
    Cancer of the esophagus    377
    Hepatic hilus neoplasms    389
    Liver metastases    403
    Portal hypertension    421
    Cancer of the rectum    437
    Vascular grafts    455
    Aneurysms of the thoracic aorta    467
    Femoro-popliteal obstructions    471
    Surgical treatment of cerebrovascular insufficiency    491
    Gastric cancer    513
    Biliary lithotripsy    545
    Diverticulosis of the colon    549
    Papillosphincteroplasty today. Update on ampullary sphincteroplasty        559
    Bacterial endocarditis    579
    Coronary revascularization    587
    Cardiac valves        601
    Heart transplantation    607

    • Год выпуска 1988
    • Автор(ы) Колл. авт.
    • Издательство Университет Милана. – Милан
    • Число страниц 622
    • УДК 821.111
    • КОД К 53
    Книга лекций. Часть 1